Friday, March 19, 2010

Mixed Greens with Orange Vinegar, Fruit & Nuts

No arm twisting needed here!

On my latest trip to Trader Joe's I picked up a bottle of Orange
Muscat Champagne Vinegar. When I was ready to cook with it, I
realized the rest of the ingredients I chose from the pantry were
mostly from TJ's too! They have an great selection of dried fruit
and nuts and nice big bags of mixed greens. Here's what I
ended up with:

Mixed Greens with Orange Vinegar, Fruit & Nuts

2t olive oil
1 shallot, finely minced
2 garlic cloves, also finely minced
2T pine nuts, TJ's
2T golden raisins, TJ's
pinch of salt
1-2 large handfuls of mixed greens, TJ's
Orange Muscat Champagne Vinegar, TJ's
a pinch of brown sugar

Heat oil on medium and saute shallots and garlic. (Be careful
not to burn the garlic so it doesn't turn bitter.) Add raisins and
nuts and a pinch of salt. Saute a few more minutes. Add greens
and cover with a lid until they wilt, another minute, or so.
Sprinkle with vinegar and brown sugar. Turn with tongs to mix
everything up. And you're done! You can serve it over a whole
grain or eat it all by itself.

Trader Joe's vinegar.

You can sprinkle with parmesan cheese or make these delicious
breadcrumbs instead.

Garlic Breadcrumbs

1-2t olive oil
1 garlic clove, finely minced
2T breadcrumbs
pinch of salt

In the same pan the greens were cooked in, heat the oil on
medium. Saute the garlic for a minute, add the breadcrumbs
and salt. Continue to cook for a couple of minutes until the
breadcrumbs are slightly brown and deliciously toasty.

*You can use store bought breadcrumbs, but why bother? Just
freeze the heals of your bread and grate or whiz up in the food
processor to make your own!



  1. I just came to your site from your post on the E2L group--everything looks great! Thanks so much for posting about your blog--I love reading recipes :-) I can't wait to read through old posts and see what you have been cooking.

